How to Choose an Unforgettable Title for Your Fantasy Novel

You may have noticed the tumbleweeds blowing through this blog for a while now. It’s unlikely I’ll be posting regularly for the foreseeable future, but I thought I’d share this little gem; one of my most popular from my time over at There & Draft Again. Enjoy!

There And Draft Again

The perfect name is hard to find. It’s the principle of first impressions. Get it right and your title will be the first step in enticing a reader (or agent) to pick up your book. Get it wrong and your work of fantastical brilliance will be overlooked as readers skim through the wide variety of competing titles. However with a bit of focus (and a flash of brilliance from the creative muse), you can give your title a fighting chance to stand out from the masses.

Don’t get attached to your working title:

Very rarely is your first idea your best idea. I often think of the working title as a childhood nickname. It’s fine when you’re nurturing it through the development phase, but is it really the best way to present it to the world? And bear in mind, if you’re heading down the traditional publishing route you…

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