About the Author

Before embarking on a quest to finish a novel, Raewyn had many real jobs. As a student she worked in a supermarket, an ice cream shop and at a sawblade factory. There were also exciting times cleaning people’s houses and babysitting small children. Given her own house seemed determined to revert to its feral state and she caught one of the children in her care lighting a fire under his mother’s car – she realised she definitely had the potential for bigger and better things. A law degree at Auckland University and a Masters of International Law from Nottingham eventually led to some proper lawyerly jobs.

While at University Raewyn met a cheeky IT lad with sparkly blue eyes and a smile that meant trouble.  Eventually they got married and lived in the UK for a while, where they were the proud owners of one rusty brown campervan called Cocoa Bean. After having many exciting adventures, they returned to NZ to put down roots and have two beautiful children. As a stay-at-home Mum, Raewyn soon realised her legal training was absolutely useless when it came to negotiating with small children. In fact the years of childcare and cleaning finally paid off. She put the matches out of reach and accepted there is no end to what you can cram into a wardrobe (so long as noone ever opens it).

With both children at school, Raewyn figured the time was right to pen the novel she’d been dreaming of for years. It is widely known that when children are at school there is all the time in the world to write without interruption. People do not show up unexpectedly for tea and biscuits, the house magically cleans itself and sends someone off to do the shopping, children never get sick, and on no account will there ever be a family crisis. In theory Raewyn should have finished that novel by now…

Since she was a small girl Raewyn has loved to escape into fantasy novels. Dragons, quests, heroes and all manner of wild and wonderful things have captured her imagination and her heart. She also found the most beautiful and inspiring story ever told in the bible, and fell in love with the carpenter who created the world.

You can find Raewyn in Paraparaumu Beach, on the beautiful Kapiti Coast of New Zealand. She enjoys hunting for driftwood treasures with her giant furbaby Arlo, making messy art, and listening to true crime podcasts.

For more about her reasons for entering the blogisphere check out her first ever post – Uncharted Territory.

10 thoughts on “About the Author

  1. Raewyn, what a wonderful name? Scottish or Irish or Welsh? Anyway, I’ve been and am where you are re: kid and writing. I used to love reading fantasy books, thought of writing them too and ended up writing something else. I have a nephew (lives in Texas) who revels in fantasy novels and aspires to be a writer. By the way, your law post-grad degree will come in handy when your kids grow up into teenagers. Keep writing and don’t give up!

    1. Thanks Alison. Although I thought you were going to say the law degree would be useful negotiating book deals. Well a girl can dream…

      I thought Raewyn was of Welsh origin too, that is until I went to Wales and got a whole lot of blank looks. It isn’t in many name books, but seems to be a uniquely popular in New Zealand.

  2. Hi Raewyn,
    Another friend of mine nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blog Award and one of the rules is that I nominate other bloggers for the same award and I’ve chosen you. You have a great blog and I love following your journey. I hope you’ll be willing to participate, these are the simple rules:
    1. Display the award logo on your blog.
    2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
    3. State 7 things about yourself.
    4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
    5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.
    Now, my list will be more about quality than quantity with you being one of a smaller select list. I hope you’ll join in the fun. I look forward to seeing what you decided to share with us and who you plan to nominate.

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